
Zankyou no terror episode 2 discussion
Zankyou no terror episode 2 discussion

zankyou no terror episode 2 discussion

The three spend the few hours they have together living out peacefully, Cleaning up, making grave maker for those who died, playing (or trying to play soccer) and listing to music. So Lisa and Twelve meets up with Nine the day after the bomb goes off and Nine thanks Twelve for helping him during the Five incident. long story short Twelve tells Lisa that she gave him and Nine a reason to live ,Bomb goes off, People are safe but the power does go off and nine uses his watch to create the Northern lights and watches the view from wherever he is safe at. While Shibazaki and the other scramble to figure out how to get the bomb from out the sky and stop it from knocking out power to the entire country, Nine ride a elevator to the top of somewhere just to see it go off. Shibazaki decides to call up his daughter who is evacuating the city along with his wife to ask her how can a atomic bomb go off without killing people and she tells him if it release in a higher altitude it would go off but it would knock out power to the whole country. Shibazaki and the other are trying to get to the root of why Nine decided NOW to release a atomic bomb. Lisa Meet up with Twelve but twelve is badly injurer from throwing a bomb at Five's car he passed out. People are leaving the area and shibazaki is trying to get shit in order. First you have people flipping their shit because a Atomic bomb is set to go off in a couple of hours. This is the episode shit really hit the fan. Nine Still holds the cantonment but instead of revealing info about Spinx he announces that he will set off a atomic bomb around 10pm that night. Nine shoots at the car Five was in but in the end Five end up killing her self by shooting at the gasoline leek coming from the car Five is betrayed by the blond American translator but she end up killing him (just cuz) Nine decides to give a announcement around 8 and while the cops are transporting him Five decide to chase him down shoot at the car he was in Twelve and lisa hears about Nine turning himself in and Twelve feel guilty for betraying him(as he should) Five leave hospital to go look for five because"nobody but her can have Nine" My word cannot express the supress rage, sadness and mixed emotion i feel from this last episode

zankyou no terror episode 2 discussion

Today i decided to watch The last two episode(10-11) of Zankyou no Terror(Terror in Resonance) and. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DIDN'T SEE EPISODE 11

Zankyou no terror episode 2 discussion